
We offer Baptism services several times each year for followers of Jesus Christ who wish to publicly declare their commitment.


What you need to know...

1. What is Baptism?

Baptism is the outward declaration of an inward decision of faith. To learn what we believe about baptism, click the button below.

2. How do I write my testimony?

We believe everyone has a story to tell. As you prepare for baptism and begin writing out your testimony, use this guide below to help you craft your story.

3. How can I apply to be baptized?

Want to get baptized? It's easy to apply.  
Simply fill out the baptism application below and we'll be in touch to help you begin the process.

*Does your child want to be baptized? Tap the button below for the kids (ages 10 & under) baptism application. 

4. When is the next Baptism service?

Sunday, May 18
During 9:15 & 11am Services
Millbrook & Wake Forest Campuses

Want to be baptized? Apply below.
*Application deadline is May 4.
Questions about baptism? Contact our Connections Director Roberta O'Connor by clicking the button below.

Before Baptism Class

Sunday, April 27

Join us for the Next Gen Baptism Class preceding the next baptism. It will take place on Sunday afternoon after 2nd service and will feature teaching, activities, and prayer all surrounding your child or youth's next step of baptism.

Wake Forest Campus: Rm 205
Millbrook Campus: The Great Room