Make An Impact

Thanks to your generous and faithful gifts over the years, the Impact Initiative has allowed us to make significant updates to our campuses. Together we have raised $4,103,554 since we began in 2017.  We invite you to join us to celebrate what God has done and joyfully anticipate how He will use it to bless and offer hope to our community!

Although the IMPACT Generosity Initiative officially ended in September 2020, there is still more to do to complete our goals!
We are excited to see how God will continue to transform lives in our community as we stay the course and finish the vision He gave us.

Celebrate With Us

We are rejoicing over the completion of the Crossroads Park (Millbrook Campus activity fields). We also are excitedly looking to the future. In what ways does God want us to use the Crossroads Park to reach the people in our zip codes? Tap the button below to learn more about Crossroads Park and upcoming sports leagues.

Dream With Us

Will you help us transform lives? Our goal is to pay off the Wake Forest Campus (approximately $1,798,140), and free up $350,000 currently spent on the annual mortgage. Imagine how God could use these funds to increase our community partnerships and serve even more people in our communities. In a world that is increasingly hostile to the innocence of childhood, envision how God could use Crossroads to encourage and empower the next generation!

(Financial numbers above are accurate as of 3/13/2025.) 

Give Here.

Thank you for your generosity! We have so much hope to share with people in our zip codes.
God will use your faithful sacrifices to impact our community, further His kingdom, and transform the lives of many!

Stories of IMPACT.

"I was raised by parents who brought me up in the church. Being around followers from a young age had a profound impact on me. However, in the years when I was not as strong in my faith, I felt a sense of loss and uncertainty. There was always a tug at my heart to get back into a Bible based church again. Being at Crossroads has rejuvenated my faith; it has helped remind me of the importance of trusting God - in all situations and circumstances." -Sierra V.
"Being a member of Crossroads Fellowship has absolutely changed my life for the better. Being here has led me to deepen and strengthen my relationship with God, while also providing me opportunities to stretch my faith and see Him working in miraculous ways. I’ve also seen how Crossroads is providing my three children with the desire to form their own personal relationships with Christ. Crossroads has allowed them to use their gifts and abilities to serve alongside their friends and peers to see how the Body can all work together for Him." -Carey K.
"Being a part of Crossroads has given me a sense of family, purpose, and encouragement. After moving to this area and finding crossroads, I very quickly felt we were where God wanted us to be. Opportunities for service have been readily available and varied. Plugging into a small group has given me friendships with depth and intimacy. I will always be grateful for the ease with which we were able to find our place within the local body of Christ." -Lee P.

Help Make an Impact

Our vision is to reach people. By faithfully completing this campaign, countless lives will be changed. That is what Impact is really about!

Prayerfully consider giving a sacrificial gift above your normal giving to help us complete these goals. In the days of Moses, God instructed believers to stop and count their blessings several times a year and to make a "sacrificial gift" to God's work in proportion to how God had blessed them. (Deuteronomy 16:16-17)
Celebrating What's Been Done
When we began  a three-year IMPACT Generosity Initiative, in April 2017, there was no way we could have imagined what would transpire over the next few years. We faced a destructive fire in 2019 and then the global coronavirus pandemic in 2020. Yet, we still stay true to our  big vision to take massive steps to reach our community with the hope of Christ. We also celebrate what God has already done through the generous gifts to the Impact Initiative:
  • We updated the Kids Ministry spaces at both campuses and have seen many kids and families grow spiritually and introduce their neighbors to church.
  • We have completed the construction of Crossroads Park (Millbrook Campus activity fields).
  • Our payment toward the Wake Forest Campus mortgage is down to $1,777,036 bringing us closer to our goal of paying it off and freeing up financial resources for ministry.

    *All amounts are accurate as of 3/13/2025.  The amounts will be updated periodically.