Upcoming Events & Announcements
Luopad Serve Event
Sunday Morning, March 30, Both Campuses
This special serve Sunday is an annual tradition of love. After each service, you can volunteer to help prepare materials to make LuoPads - reusable feminine hygiene products that empower women around the world to manage their monthly cycles with dignity and control. We are also collecting 100% cotton terrycloth towels and non-flame retardant cotton flannel. Find all the details HERE.
Elder Nominations
Nominations are Open
Crossroads is an elder led church. As set forth in our Constitution and Bylaws, the members of our congregation nominate individuals to join the Elder Board. An elder is a man who meets the biblical qualifications of an elder established in 1 Timothy 3. Please use this ONLINE NOMINATION FORM or pick up a paper copy of the form to list the men whom you believe exemplify the biblical requirements and whom you would like to nominate as potential elders for Crossroads Fellowship.
Summer Mission Trips
Applications Open Now!
Be a part of missions through serving on a short term team, prayer, financial contributions and donating, shopping, or volunteering at the Missions Thrift Store. Learn more about our summer trips and apply HERE.
Marriage Class
Sundays, 11:00am, Both Campuses, Beginning Sunday, March 16
Learn to reconnect and thrive together in a God-designed marriage with "The Art of Marriage" by FamilyLife. This 7-week class runs March 16 - May 4 (will not meet Easter Sunday).
Starting Point
Sunday, March 30, 10:30am, Both Campuses
This is a great first step in getting to know Crossroads and finding next steps toward God and connecting with others. Register here.
Sunday's Sermon Notes
You can access today's sermon NOTES on the YouVersion Bible App.
Find the FILL-IN NOTES here.
Find the FILL-IN NOTES here.
Prayer Requests
It is a privilege to pray for you. Submit your prayer requests by clicking the button below.
Crossroads Pastors and Elders will pray over you and your request .
Crossroads Pastors and Elders will pray over you and your request .

Crossroads Fellowship General Fund
2024-2025 Annual General Giving Goal - $4,723,700
(Crossroads operates on a Fiscal Year: August 1, 2024 - July 31, 2025)
(Crossroads operates on a Fiscal Year: August 1, 2024 - July 31, 2025)

Give online HERE or text CRFNC to 77977.