Titi and Ligia Bulzan - Central Europe
Titi surrendered to Christ at 17 at the height of Communist persecution of Evangelicals in Eastern Europe, in a Baptist church in Arad, Romania. Ligia, his sweet heart since the first year of high school, got gloriously saved at 21, and they got married in 1974. Titi graduated the School of Architecture of the University of Timisoara, and worked in a designing institute for 14 years, while being the lay youth pastor of “Love” Baptist Church in Arad. The Fall of Communism in December of 1989, the fall of the Berlin Wall, shifted his focus from Architecture to “Interior Architecture” as he immediately became the Senior Pastor of a uniquely persecuted, and viciously desecrated church in Arad. Incredible, challenging and rewarding beyond words were the 14 years he served there, and also as interpreter for Karl Henry, Louis Palau, Walter Kaiser, Samuel Kamaleson, Sammy Tippit, Walt Henricksen, Billy Graham and many others.
The Bulzans came to the US in 1995 as Titi began pursuing his MDiv and then the PhD in Missions at Southeastern Baptist Seminary in Wake Forest, NC, where he graduated in 2008. They have five married children and nine grandchildren, scattered between Romania and Raleigh, NC. It was during his grueling study years that God started prodding Titi to move from academic pursuits to get involved in Missions, to contribute to the awakening of the European Evangelical Church. Impressed with the missional DNA of Crossroads, the collaboration deepened between “Team Titi” and Missions Pastor Doug Gamble. Soon Crossroads saw their involvement in Europe move from ministry to a particularly needy area of Romania to influencing the best and the brightest of Eastern Europe, the students at Emanuel University of Oradea and the hundreds of Evangelical Church Plants which sprang all over Central and Western Europe.
Since 2009, Titi and Ligia travel, visit, provide, encourage, counsel, teach and train in Discipleship the “always-close-to-burn-out-tent-making” bi-vocational lay pastors, providing not only 45 years of ministry skills and missionary experience but also much needed information and “intelligence” about what is really going on in Evangelical church life and in the field of Applied Theology. The 37 Pastors and lay leaders they work with are living in Serbia, Hungary, Italy, Austria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Titi continues to teach and preach in Romania and is very involved in the church plant they have assisted founding in Timisoara. Time in Romania is much needed, for it is in Romania that their car gets maintained, fixed, patched and repaired…
These verses in Isaiah 58 are the motto of their Ministry: “I will always show you where to go. I’ll give you a full life in the emptiest of places— firm muscles, strong bones. You’ll be like a well-watered garden, a gurgling spring that never runs dry. You’ll use the old rubble of past lives to build anew, rebuild the foundations from out of your past. You’ll be known as those who can fix anything, restore old ruins, rebuild and renovate, make the community livable again.”
The Bulzans came to the US in 1995 as Titi began pursuing his MDiv and then the PhD in Missions at Southeastern Baptist Seminary in Wake Forest, NC, where he graduated in 2008. They have five married children and nine grandchildren, scattered between Romania and Raleigh, NC. It was during his grueling study years that God started prodding Titi to move from academic pursuits to get involved in Missions, to contribute to the awakening of the European Evangelical Church. Impressed with the missional DNA of Crossroads, the collaboration deepened between “Team Titi” and Missions Pastor Doug Gamble. Soon Crossroads saw their involvement in Europe move from ministry to a particularly needy area of Romania to influencing the best and the brightest of Eastern Europe, the students at Emanuel University of Oradea and the hundreds of Evangelical Church Plants which sprang all over Central and Western Europe.
Since 2009, Titi and Ligia travel, visit, provide, encourage, counsel, teach and train in Discipleship the “always-close-to-burn-out-tent-making” bi-vocational lay pastors, providing not only 45 years of ministry skills and missionary experience but also much needed information and “intelligence” about what is really going on in Evangelical church life and in the field of Applied Theology. The 37 Pastors and lay leaders they work with are living in Serbia, Hungary, Italy, Austria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Titi continues to teach and preach in Romania and is very involved in the church plant they have assisted founding in Timisoara. Time in Romania is much needed, for it is in Romania that their car gets maintained, fixed, patched and repaired…
These verses in Isaiah 58 are the motto of their Ministry: “I will always show you where to go. I’ll give you a full life in the emptiest of places— firm muscles, strong bones. You’ll be like a well-watered garden, a gurgling spring that never runs dry. You’ll use the old rubble of past lives to build anew, rebuild the foundations from out of your past. You’ll be known as those who can fix anything, restore old ruins, rebuild and renovate, make the community livable again.”

Contact Titi and Ligia Bulzan
Email: Titi and Ligia Bulzan
Phone: US 919-636-3435 / Europe +4(0747) 281178
Mailing Address: 1405 Freshwater Court, Wake Forest, NC 27587
Donate Online: Click HERE. Select Missionary - Romania Bulzan under the 'Fund' dropdown menu.
Make checks payable to:
Crossroads Fellowship
Memo Line: Bulzan Ministry
Email: Titi and Ligia Bulzan
Phone: US 919-636-3435 / Europe +4(0747) 281178
Mailing Address: 1405 Freshwater Court, Wake Forest, NC 27587
Donate Online: Click HERE. Select Missionary - Romania Bulzan under the 'Fund' dropdown menu.
Make checks payable to:
Crossroads Fellowship
Memo Line: Bulzan Ministry