Cindy Knakal - DOOR International
Cindy Knakal served as a missionary with the Deaf for 30 years at Island Christian Church, in Long Island, NY where she and the Deaf planted a Deaf church.
After losing her husband, George, in 2009 after a 19-year battle with cancer, Cindy earnestly sought the Lord’s guidance for the next chapter of her life. In 2013, Cindy felt that the Lord was presenting her with the opportunity to work with DOOR, so she spent the next year raising support.
Cindy has been serving with DOOR International since the fall of 2014. As a hearing person, Cindy supports Deaf Christian leaders in the U.S. by assisting with leadership training and establishing Deaf Chronological Bible Study (CBS) small groups, which use the Chronological Bible Translation to teach God's Word to the Deaf. Cindy also supports the Deaf as they plant Deaf believers’ fellowships, and she teaches the hearing community about Deaf culture and DOOR’s methodology.
Currently God has placed Cindy here in the Raleigh area, where Deaf Community Fellowship (DCF) meets at the Crossroads Millbrook campus on Sunday mornings, a CBS small group meets in Wake Forest and several ASL (American Sign Language) classes are underway for hearing people throughout the Triangle area.
Your financial partnership with Cindy Knakal provides critical support and resources for sign language Bible translation and Deaf church planting projects in the U.S. Please pray about how you might partner with Cindy in prayer, encouragement and financial support.
After losing her husband, George, in 2009 after a 19-year battle with cancer, Cindy earnestly sought the Lord’s guidance for the next chapter of her life. In 2013, Cindy felt that the Lord was presenting her with the opportunity to work with DOOR, so she spent the next year raising support.
Cindy has been serving with DOOR International since the fall of 2014. As a hearing person, Cindy supports Deaf Christian leaders in the U.S. by assisting with leadership training and establishing Deaf Chronological Bible Study (CBS) small groups, which use the Chronological Bible Translation to teach God's Word to the Deaf. Cindy also supports the Deaf as they plant Deaf believers’ fellowships, and she teaches the hearing community about Deaf culture and DOOR’s methodology.
Currently God has placed Cindy here in the Raleigh area, where Deaf Community Fellowship (DCF) meets at the Crossroads Millbrook campus on Sunday mornings, a CBS small group meets in Wake Forest and several ASL (American Sign Language) classes are underway for hearing people throughout the Triangle area.
Your financial partnership with Cindy Knakal provides critical support and resources for sign language Bible translation and Deaf church planting projects in the U.S. Please pray about how you might partner with Cindy in prayer, encouragement and financial support.

Contact Cindy Knakal
Email Cindy Knakal
Phone(Cell/Text): 631-796-8197
Donate Online: Click HERE.
Make checks payable to:
DOOR International
Dept 9012
PO Box 30516
Lansing, MI 48909-8016
Memo Line: Cindy Knakal
DOOR International:
Deaf Community Fellowship:
Email Cindy Knakal
Phone(Cell/Text): 631-796-8197
Donate Online: Click HERE.
Make checks payable to:
DOOR International
Dept 9012
PO Box 30516
Lansing, MI 48909-8016
Memo Line: Cindy Knakal
DOOR International:
Deaf Community Fellowship: