Hope Week 2025

Sunday, April 13 - Sunday, April 20

Join us for Hope Week as we honor and celebrate the sacrifice of our Savior Jesus Christ! From Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, we’ll remember how Jesus' resurrection brought hope to all, overcoming death and offering new life to everyone. This is a week to embrace the hope that transforms hearts and lives.

Hope Week begins on Palm Sunday, April 13 through Easter Sunday, April 20!
Check out service times, resources and other details below.


Hope Week Daily Devotionals

Daily Devotionals from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday

Follow Jesus' journey through the week leading up to death and resurrection. These daily devotions have been written to help you look at the events from Palm Sunday through Easter morning in a deeper way as you examine the eight days that changed the world.

Good Friday Services

Friday, April 18 / Both Campuses

Join us for a Good Friday Communion service to commemorate the evening Jesus shared the Last Supper with His disciples before His crucifixion. This will be an interactive time to remember how He established the practice of Communion in remembrance of His sacrifice for us.
Millbrook Campus
Service Times: 6:30 & 8pm
Childcare available for 0-5 years.
*Tickets required for Millbrook services.
Wake Forest Campus
Service Time: 6:30pm
Childcare available for 0-5 years..

Easter Sunday Services

Sunday, April 20 / Both Campuses

Wake Forest Campus 

Sunrise (6:30am)
Front steps
Families are invited to sit together. No childcare available.


Worship Center
Regular Kids programming.
No Youth programming. Youth invited to join in service.


Worship Center
Regular Kids programming.
No Youth programming. Youth invited to join in service.


Worship Center

Regular Kids programming.
No Youth programming. Youth invited to join in service.

Millbrook Campus

Worship Center
Regular Kids programming.
No Youth programming. Youth invited to join in service.

Worship Center
Regular Kids programming.
No Youth programming. Youth invited to join in service.


Worship Center
Regular Kids programming.
No Youth programming. Youth invited to join in service.
