Living in Obedience to the Lord
The book of Joshua is the first of what are known as the historical books in the Bible. After wrapping up the Pentateuch (the first five books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy), with the final words of Moses, we now see the Israelites fighting their way into the Promised Land under Joshua's command.
There are several inspiring themes in this rich book, beginning with being “strong and courageous.” However, for today’s encouragement, I would simply like to remind us of another theme that stretches from the first to the last chapter of Joshua: Blessings and victories come from living in obedience and trust in God.
Here are a few ways to practically walk out the teachings found throughout Joshua this week:
There are several inspiring themes in this rich book, beginning with being “strong and courageous.” However, for today’s encouragement, I would simply like to remind us of another theme that stretches from the first to the last chapter of Joshua: Blessings and victories come from living in obedience and trust in God.
Here are a few ways to practically walk out the teachings found throughout Joshua this week:
- Reflect on areas of your life where you may need to recommit to obedience and trust.
- Pray for strength to resist compromise and for courage to live distinctively for God.
- Choose this day whom you will serve, and live out daily what obedience and faith look like in your life.
Posted in Threads of Promise
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