
God Uses Ordinary People for Extraordinary Things

In our journey toward a deeper understanding of the Threads of Redemption written throughout the Bible, we explored the book of Judges. The previous book of Joshua concluded with a series of messages urging the people to choose this day whom they will serve. Now we find the nation of Israel trapped in a 350-year cycle of sin. A recurring and chilling statement echoes throughout the book: "And they did evil in the sight of the Lord."

The Israelites' ups and downs serve as a compelling reminder of the ripple effects our choices create—not only for today but for generations to come. The book of Judges also highlights the patience, grace, and redemption that God extends to those who turn back to Him. Though the Israelite nation endured years of oppression, God repeatedly raised up leaders (judges) who followed His calling to lead the people back to repentance, freedom, and blessing.

On a personal level, I found great encouragement in how God often used individuals whom others viewed as insignificant, weak, or unqualified to accomplish incredible things. It reminded me of a powerful truth I heard years ago: "God does not call the qualified, but He qualifies the called!"

As you reflect this week, here are two key questions to consider:

  1. What area of my life do I see as a limitation that God can turn into a strength? In other words, let’s stop making excuses and quit placing limitations on a limitless God.

  2. In what way is God calling me to step out in bold faith? Just like the judges in Scripture, and countless others throughout history, perhaps God is inviting you to take a bold step that could impact not just your life but an entire generation!

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