1 & 2 Kings

Life Lessons from a Floating Axe Head

The story of Elisha and the floating axe head is a short yet powerful miracle found in 2 Kings 6:1-7. On the surface, it may seem like a minor event compared to Elisha’s other miracles—raising the dead, healing leprosy, or calling down blindness on an enemy army. However, this miracle reveals God’s personal care and power over the seemingly small details of life.
God can meet us in our daily, practical, and real-life problems!
The story of the floating axe head is more than just an unusual miracle—it is a reminder of God’s care, power, and expectation for us to act in faith.

  • God cares about your struggles, big or small.
  • He has power over the impossible.
  • He calls us to play our part.
As we start a new week, I would encourage you to ask yourself three questions:

  1. What small things do I need to trust God with?
  2. Where do I need to believe in God’s power for the impossible?
  3. What is God asking me to do in response to what He is doing?
God delights in doing the impossible, but we must first step out in faith.

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